"The blues scale is sometimes referred to as minor pentatonic scale or an altered major scale with lowered third, fifth, and seventh degrees. The transient use of the 'blue note' (flat fifth or sharp forth) is highly characteristic of blues music. This note relative to the tonic, is also known as a tritone, or in sacred music, the 'devil's note' which was avoided in that idiom. In any case the blues scale in practice is dynamic, it changes all the time... A slick blues lead might embellish any scale degree with repeated grace notes of a semi tone above the scale degree or below it depending if the line is ascending or descending."
While it is uncertain definitively when and how the term "blues" came to refer to emotions, the prevalent theory is the following:
"Why is blues music called 'the blues'? The name of this great American music probably originated with the 17th-century English expression 'the blue devils,' for the intense visual hallucinations that can accompany severe alcohol withdrawal. Shortened over time to 'the blues,' it came to mean a state of agitation or depression."
One of the first recorded references to "the blues" used in this context is in the diary of Charlotte Forten, a free African-American woman who was a teacher of slaves on Edisto Island, SC (near Charleston). In December 14, 1862, she heard the sound of a slave being beaten. That day she wrote in her diary:
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Through the years, I have participated in several strategic prayer initiatives in Washington DC. In September 2008, while on one such assignment, our team met in Philadelphia, the foundational city of government in our nation. We met there and prayed, and then journeyed to the city of Washington DC. It was a momentous occasion indeed; the day after our journey ended, Lehman Brothers fell. We never fully realize all that Father does on a prayer journey or strategic assignment, our responsibility is to simply be obedient to what He shows us to do.
Another significant moment in Washington DC was in March 2010, as I joined prayer leaders from around the nation. On that assignment, I heard very clearly within me, “This city needs a siege laid to it.” The next words I heard after this were from a man standing next to me, who turned and said to me, “This city needs a siege laid to it.” Not that there haven’t been many faithful people praying and intercessory assignments successfully executed in the city, I am fully confident there have been. As a matter of fact, each step of obedience leads to another, and leads to the unfolding of Father’s heart and the advancement of the Kingdom in the earth. That brings us to the name “DC40” or “40 Days Over DC”. They are one and the same.
When I first received revelation concerning this forty day assignment, I had no intention of staying away from home for any longer than that. However, while ministering in Vincennes, IN, earlier this year, the worship leader began singing, “This is the year we return to Philadelphia.” As he sang those words, the Spirit of the Lord washed over my being, and I knew that He was saying to me, “This is the year you return to Philadelphia in prayer.”
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This journey resulted from two separate callings that we believed would best be served together. Richard Tittle heard from the Lord initially in June 2008 on Mt Carmel in Israel when the Lord told him to return for an assignment. Later words clarified the assignment. The Lord said, “Re-establish the borders of my nation Israel. I want you to be in Jerusalem April 11, 2010.” Richard’s study confirmed to him that the Lord was referring to the nearly duplicate borders described in Numbers 34 and Ezekiel 47.
James was in the process of responding to a call to pray in response to the vision experienced by John Kilpatrick of an earthquake in the heart of the nation along the New Madrid fault. Cindy Jacobs prophesied to James, “The Lord would say to you, ‘Man of God, I am calling you as a watchman on the wall for the nation.’ The Lord would say to you, ‘You must stand to keep Jerusalem from being divided,’ and God says not only will you do it here, but you will do it in Israel. For I will say, ‘From Mt. Carmel to Mt. Carmel,’ God says there will be a team that goes from Mt. Carmel here to Mt. Carmel there.”
And God says, ‘I have given you a direct connection to slay the prophets of Baal.’ God says, ‘I have given you the authority to pull down the Elijah anointing to pull down Jezebel and to pull down the prophets of Baal,’ says the Lord.”
And the Lord says, ‘You will take the sword of the Lord and cut the Leviathan spirit that stretches along the New Madrid fault.’ You have begun, but the Lord says that in the ground is the root of anti-Semitism and the, yeah, that’s it, that’s it! And the root of anti-Semitism is the root of the religious spirit that is stopping the move of God, so the Lord says, ‘I am putting the sword in your hand to cut asunder the anti-Semitic Spirit that let’s that religious spirit live,’ says the Lord!”
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Mississippi / Choctaw: The Father of Waters
Father actually wrote His name over this state. We believe the purpose of Mississippi has always been to release to the nations of the earth the sound of the Father's Heart.
Mississippi has an intercessory mandate to call for fathers to arise, come forth, and take their rightful place.
Eddie James forebearers were slaves in Mississippi we believe that he is among the first fruits of the DNA of Mississippi rising to release the sound of Father's heart.
We also believe because of the eternal mandate upon this state to release the sound of Father's heart, Mississippi will be the first state in the Union to be abortion-free.
The voice of the Lord is upon the waters, the sound of awakening is resounding throughout the Mississippi Valley "Valley of the Father"¬
Mississippi and Louisiana, both strategically placed at the mouth of the Mississippi River Valley, which runs through the heart of the nation, have been given joint responsibility to steward the Governmental Sound of the Father throughout the nations of the earth.
A silver trumpet is made of two pieces: the mouthpiece (Minnesota), and the bell (Mississippi and Louisiana). Louisiana, Mississippi, Minnesota, and all points in between have begun to function as a unit in the heart of America.
Arise, Mississippi, Arise! Take your place, and call fathers to walk in the fullness of their destiny!
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July 28, 2009
An intercessor in Southern Illinois had a dream in which the Lord said to him, ”Unless the church is AWAKE the earth will quake.” He then revealed to him three key cities concerning the quake. Each city had a name over it Memphis, TN “The Star Gate”, St. Louis, MO, “The Sound Gate”, and Chicago, IL “The Water Gate”.
On July 28 we had mobilized teams in six cities: Indianola, MS, Memphis, TN, Europa, MO, St. Louis, MO, Indianola, IL, and Chicago, IL to pray in unison concerning this dream and John’s vision.
We felt this was the initial stake in the ground with a journey from Europa, MO to Indianola, IL to soon follow.
We felt the Lord said if we triggered a 10.2 earthquake in the spirit we wouldn’t have to experience one in the natural.
Sallye Burton, respected prayer leader from Indiana had a dream in which she saw a massive earthquake with much death and destruction and Satan bent over laughing. She then heard a loud voice say, “No, this will not be, my intercessors are praying.”
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Mississippi Mercy Prayer Journey Chronicle of Events
We are forever grateful to all who prepared the way for Mississippi Mercy in every state, without your faithfulness we couldn’t have completed this assignment.
Following is a brief summary of highlights and prophetic insight from this most amazing journey.
The Assignment:
We were to present ourselves as lightning rods of intercession, trumping structures of death in the heart of North America, enforcing the eternal victory of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
And through our worship release the sound of life, giving voice to the 50 million eternal souls crying mercy, which would in turn open floodgates of mercy in the earth. However, multiple levels of kingdom transaction transpired.
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Day 7 • May 17, 2009
Meeting 17 - Lair of the Piasa Spirit, Piasa Creek, IL
We didn’t advertise this stop. It is a sad thing when a city, or university, or school chooses to magnify a demon, Alton, Illinois has done just that! They’ve even painted the picture of this water spirit on a bluff.
The Lord had revealed a very strategic place to us along a ley line that looked and felt like hell, so we went and prayed there, believing God to decimate demonic structures throughout the heart of America.
We repented for community that chose a symbol of a devouring spirit over themselves. We want the Piasa spirit (that brings death to children over our nation) to be broken.
Meeting 18 - Riverview Park, Louisiana, MO
After St. Louis, everything began to change, the first surprise was waiting for us at Louisiana, Missouri.
A young pastor, worship leader, and trusted friend, Tim Nothaker, had a new verse to an old song waiting for us.
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