DC40 — History — Prepare the Way Ministries

Prepare the Way Ministries

Preparing every bloodline and family tree for eternal destiny

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51 Days of Fire: 40 Days over DC – October 3-November 11, 2011; 11 Days in Philadelphia – November 12-22, 2011

Through the years, I have participated in several strategic prayer initiatives in Washington DC.  In September 2008, while on one such assignment, our team met in Philadelphia, the foundational city of government in our nation.  We met there and prayed, and then journeyed to the city of Washington DC.  It was a momentous occasion indeed; the day after our journey ended, Lehman Brothers fell.  We never fully realize all that Father does on a prayer journey or strategic assignment, our responsibility is to simply be obedient to what He shows us to do.  

 Another significant moment in Washington DC was in March 2010, as I joined prayer leaders from around the nation.  On that assignment, I heard very clearly within me, “This city needs a siege laid to it.” The next words I heard after this were from a man standing next to me, who turned and said to me, “This city needs a siege laid to it.”  Not that there haven’t been many faithful people praying and intercessory assignments successfully executed in the city, I am fully confident there have been.  As a matter of fact, each step of obedience leads to another, and leads to the unfolding of Father’s heart and the advancement of the Kingdom in the earth.  That brings us to the name “DC40” or “40 Days Over DC”.  They are one and the same.  

 When I first received revelation concerning this forty day assignment, I had no intention of staying away from home for any longer than that.  However, while ministering in Vincennes, IN, earlier this year, the worship leader began singing, “This is the year we return to Philadelphia.”  As he sang those words, the Spirit of the Lord washed over my being, and I knew that He was saying to me, “This is the year you return to Philadelphia in prayer.”  

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