Mississippi Mercy, Pt. 2 – May 17-22, 2009
Day 7 • May 17, 2009
Meeting 17 - Lair of the Piasa Spirit, Piasa Creek, IL
We didn’t advertise this stop. It is a sad thing when a city, or university, or school chooses to magnify a demon, Alton, Illinois has done just that! They’ve even painted the picture of this water spirit on a bluff.
The Lord had revealed a very strategic place to us along a ley line that looked and felt like hell, so we went and prayed there, believing God to decimate demonic structures throughout the heart of America.
We repented for community that chose a symbol of a devouring spirit over themselves. We want the Piasa spirit (that brings death to children over our nation) to be broken.
Meeting 18 - Riverview Park, Louisiana, MO
After St. Louis, everything began to change, the first surprise was waiting for us at Louisiana, Missouri.
A young pastor, worship leader, and trusted friend, Tim Nothaker, had a new verse to an old song waiting for us.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That comes from ‘round your throne
The sound of the babes singing mercy and grace
For Mommies and Daddies to come home
We continued the song with the following lyrics:
Their chains are gone
They’ve been set free
My God, My Savior has ransomed them
And like a flood
His mercy rains
Unending love
Amazing grace
Glory, glory, hallelujah
His mercy’s coming like a flood
As we sang this song we wept. The second theme song of the journey had been born, as we traveled upriver from here, when we sang this verse and tears would flow over and over again.
Meeting 19 - Clatt-Adams Park, Quincy, IL
The park is located on the grounds of a former Naval reserve training center –ruined by the flood of 1973. It is positioned between an old bridge and new bridge. There is also a lighthouse.
We had been extremely blessed by the weather all the way up the river, there had been storms all around us but the intercessors had been praying that we would be in a protective bubble and that is exactly the way it had felt until here.
It was cold and rainy here, the sound equipment set up under the large gazebo and the people would be setting on the grounds in a concert type setting.
I began to get onto the intercessors (in a playful way) for allowing it to rain upon us, I told them they had been doing a good job, but “what was up with this?”
The Lord was about to show me what was up with this. He had sent the rain to force everyone under the shelter, because He was about to amaze us again with sound. The gazebo was like a natural amphitheater the resound was astounding.
“It is not about the sound of music, but the sound of the heart. There is something about the voices tonight. Do you hear the sound of angels all around? The people got closer and closer, the sound, the sound – hear it?” –James
This was also the first time we had the women come to the center and just release a melody from their hearts over empty wombs, broken promises, broken dreams and shattered lives.
We then had the men surround the women and release a canopy of covering melody over them, had men covered women properly there would be no abortion issue in America.
Day 8 • May 18, 2009
Meeting 20 - River Port, Burlington, IA
It was a cold morning with gusting wind, and I wasn’t looking forward to standing two hours alongside the river, but that Lord had prepared grace for the day.
We were set up inside a large almost warehouse type structure except it was set up for riverfront visitors to be able to escape the weather, again, this structure had a beautiful resound.
There were two things that had great impact on us in Iowa: the confusion in the state, and the power of the worship.
One: When our leaders come into agreement with, and write into law, things that are diametrically opposed to the eternal order of the universe, it releases a spirit of confusion over the land.
Two: We entered into warfare worship here as strong as any on the entire journey! The warfare chant, and rhythm of the drum, it took awhile to breakthrough here but when we broke through, we broke through!!!
James – “We are causing a shaking in Iowa because the lawbreakers are now making our laws. We call them to shift!” We then sang the new verse to Amazing Grace.
Women were waving gold and green flags in whirlwind fashion as cry of babies released.
We had the violinist play over the broken hearts of the broken hearted. The intercession connected to this moment was marvelous. 12 women held the 12 red bowls filling them with praises and sound.
Outside the wind grew violent as we worship and the river rocked with large waves. The marker on the bridge was 55. Everywhere we went on the journey the number 55 was prevalent.
Meeting 21 - Ben butterworth park, Moline, Illinois
We again met under a gazebo alongside the river. We couldn’t wait to hear the unique resound each community of believers would release. God is so awesome in His people.
The address here is 55 for double grace. We had been sharing the #10 represents judgment or double grace depending upon the position of the intercession.
We have seen the number 55 so many times we are rejoicing that mercy is triumphing over judgment. We are thankful that America is blessed with many praying people, calling on the name of the Lord.
At one point during this gathering Pastor Stan Pratt and Ann Crane (both used to sell farm equipment) begin to lead us in intercession concerning the release of the harvesters. This was a powerful time of intercession. Both John Deere and International Harvester are headquartered here. This place has sound of harvesters. This was extremely interesting to me, as I had just completed a piece of art before the journey with combines lined in formation harvesting the coming generation.
As we left the meeting we saw trains loaded with a multitude of combines being shipped. Amazing!
Meeting 22 - RIVERFRONT PARK BAND SHELL, Clinton, Iowa
Had tremendous warfare in Clinton, Iowa. We got into town in time for dinner before we went to the meeting. I swallowed wrong and got choked, I couldn’t get the food to go up or down, I fought with this all the way until the meeting started even on the platform they had to stop the meeting to pray for me.
They again had us set up in concert fashion, my first move was to call everyone to the platform which was very high, probably 6-8 feet off the ground.
It was hard for them to grasp at first, but when they got it, they got it. We must have looked liked the community choir. We were actually a prophetic choir and the resound of the band shell was wonderful.
Apostle Ramon Gimenez had done a wonderful job preparing the way and released a powerful prophetic decree:
By the power of the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the authority of His name above every name, we the blood bought church of Clinton and this river city area, his body and his bride confess the following:
No worship of any other gods will be allowed in this place, on this land, in this community. In the name of Jesus, by His blood and the sword of the Spirit, His eternal word, God’s people drive out, cast out and command every demonic spirit and power to be bound and held under the word of the Lord Jesus Christ until He executes the final judgment already written against them.
As the body of Christ, co-crucified, co-buried, co-resurrected, co-ascended and co-seated ruling and reigning with Christ at His right hand of authority. We renounce all demonic assignments toward this place and its people of this city and the river city area. We confidently declare that they are powerless in the all-powerful name of our Lord Jesus, who has broken the power of every curse, ritual, incantation, spell, sacrifice, enchantment and every other device of the enemy. Furthermore, we ask for the destruction of the spirit of death and its assignments and confusion to return upon the senders.
We humble and confidently ask the Lord Jesus, the most high God by his strong arm to seek out, rout, breakdown, destroy, beat small like dust every idol, high place, altar and instrument of worship to other Gods.
By the Blood of the Lamb, who alone is worthy to be worshipped, we ask God to stop any undoing or works that invoke, praise, worship or sacrifice to other gods.
By the Supreme Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, we exercise the Lord’s dominion over this land area by the Mississippi River as God’s very own possession. The hearts of his people in this land area have been redeemed by the love of the Father through his sinless Son. We are under the blood of Jesus. We will not tolerate the enemies usurping or occupying any place to be used for the evil works of darkness or for the works of the flesh.
We ask Jesus the Commander and Chief of our hearts, to station ministering angels with mighty strength, who obey His voice, perform His word, serve Him, and enforce His will in this place of His dominion (Psa 103:20-21). We are persuaded that our victorious Jesus will keep this ground, this area for His Kingdom from all principalities, powers, thrones, dominions, rulers of darkness, and wicked spirits, hosts and forces.
We confess the healing power of God to bring restoration of the hearts of His people to Himself alone, according to II Chronicles 7:14, “We say this day that the hearts of God’s people are holy to the Lord.” We Lift the banner of Jehovah Nissi over his redeemed church.
All power and authority in heaven, on earth and, under the earth was given to the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is in us. We make this decree, on this day, May 18th, 2009, whereas all its legal power was enacted and empowered at Calvary in the blood of Jesus and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. Jesus, our Lord, defeated the destroyer and took the keys of hell and death from him. He ascended TRIUMPHANT over all the other rulers in the universe and made a show of them openly. To us, His people, His Church, He delegated authority over all the works of the devil. All things were put under His feet and are subject to Him; therefore all things are under our feet, and the gates of hell will not prevail against us, His Church!
As God’s royal priesthood, in the name of Jesus we accept our new authority, our new anointing, our new identity and our new acts of favor. He alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We stand in His mercy and minister in His victory and grace to His people in the city and the river city area.
PSALM 2:7, 145:5-9
LUKE 10:19
JOB 22:28
JOHN 14:12
Day 9 • May 19, 2009
Meeting 23 - Riverfront Park, Dubuque, Iowa
The Lord had told me the sound of drums would be a big part of releasing the sounds needed for breakthrough on this journey. He said that I would hear the resound of drums on the Mississippi like the Congo.
We hadn’t heard that up to this point, but this morning as we drove into the park there was a high school drum team practicing. As we began worshipping we could hear the resound of their drums in the distance. It might not have meant much to anyone else but it meant a lot to me.
The Lord was again faithful to bless us with his Presence. At each stop we had began calling the women to the center and the men surrounding them and releasing powerful melody unto the Lord.
I believe this had become the vehicle on which the sound of the 50 million was released through these earthly portals, the melodies of mothers and fathers making way through holy resonation.
We must have must have stirred something up in Dubuque, as we were preparing to leave the animal control truck, a park ranger, and a city police car pulled up.
They never confronted us; they said they were responding to a report that a large snake had been sited where we were. Three police vehicles, it must have been some snake.
On the way out of the park we stopped by the drum core, I explained that through the release of drums we were asking God to end abortion in America and for the heartbeat of LIFE to be what America resounds to.
I asked if they could play with that in their hearts and they said, “Yes sir, we sure can.” So they played for us for about ten minutes.
Meeting 24 - Wyalusing State Park, Wisconsin
We had met at this site two years ago on the River Flush journey. Located high on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River, breathtaking view.
It is always wonderful to experience the elements moving with you on these journeys. At this particular site (as with most) we would release certain decrees and the wind roar around us.
But again the Lord had a surprise waiting for us here. We had been honored by the Lord on this journey and extremely blessed to have Scott Stratton his wife Paula and their beautiful daughter documenting each gathering from St. Louis on.
We had been up late the night before and they had much to set up for the evening meeting so I said, this will just be a small gathering go on to Lacrosse and set up there. Big mistake – “There are no small meetings!”
As we began to pray concerning the abortion issue pastor Karen asked if she could pray. She has two among the 50 million and probably has an understanding of mercy most will never know.
As she prayed heaven came down! Her understanding of the forgiveness women who have aborted need was so moving we were all weeping. She so laid out the purpose of Mississippi Mercy, far better than I ever could, and missed getting it documented. I was kicking myself.
The Lord had again surprised us! There are no small meetings, only precious moments.
Meeting 25 - Lacrosse, Wisconsin
Even though I felt I had missed it by sending Scott ahead to Lacrosse it actually worked out to be a great benefit for the evening meeting. He was able to secure the amphitheater, which we shouldn’t have been able to get, but God intervened.
The evening meeting consisted of our team prophesying to Lacrosse, Wisconsin. Lacrosse is notorious for suicides, young people getting drunk and jumping into the river and drowning, can’t imagine why, they have a 25’ statue of Hiawatha, what did he do? The lovesick fool drowned himself.
To help the young folks along, they have the world’s largest six-pack and statue of King Gambrinus, the Patron Saint of Beer. Great leadership in this city!
We couldn’t find a life giving church to connect with in Lacrosse, doesn’t mean there isn’t one, we just couldn’t find one.
There was much intercession went on in Lacrosse that evening. The following is a small portion of the raw notes from the full report:
Staffs smashing toes of Beelzebub, declared doctrine of humanism would fall
Released the eternal judgments and declared they are drying up.
Addressed witchcraft and sorcery and how they’ve released death
Addressed 20 young missing men.
Judged every covenant and agreement with death structures
No more union, but confusion
Release fire of heaven on enemy
Trumped death through blood of Jesus, called them out of darkness and into light.
James – stood in place of those who have been involved in occult releasing GRACE
John 14:6
Dennis – calling atheists, agnostics home
Day 10 • May 20, 2009
Meeting 26 - Red Wing, Minnesota
Minnesota was ready for us, we knew they would be, they had being praying since the journey began calling the team up the river.
As we began to worship the wind picked up and all day long the wind blew fierce in Minnesota, strong out of the south.
We gathered at a site where in recent months they have found four newborns thrown into the river.
Karen Kruger welcomed us
- Prayed for God’s blessing on team members
- Harvest will be released in new sound even sound of wind and water
- New sound of wind, water, and fire will be intoxicating to lost
- Minnesota is WARSHIP state.
Gordon – walks here, found us, as did another lady who had felt alone in her intercession, the Lord had directed their steps to us.
Drums released
Glory to the risen King - release your holy wind on threshing floor, threshing through the Blood of the Lamb (threw threshing up thru Blood of the Lamb)
The battle belongs to the Lord
Had strong worship and intercession in Red Wing, very tribal.
James – Open floodgates of mercy- Drummers release gathering angels for harvest.
When flood gates open, everything changes. It’s up to us to open the portals and gates.
Meeting 27 - St. Anthony Falls, St. Paul, Minnesota
Wind was howling through valley. We presented ourselves through the blood and breaker anointing.
Enforcing a Victory won through the blood– affirming of link with all blood bought prayer – lightning rods of intercession. Tsunami of intercession rolling up river. Received by Rabbi Ed
Open gates to King of glory – breakthrough – threshing floor.
Rabbi Ed – releasing mercy and receiving team.
James – blessing Rabbi and Israel and First nations people. Year of womb and new birth. Heart of America got farther from the Lord with each baby murdered. Told of drummers at Burlington, Iowa. 15 shofars blew shofars, began drums, tambourines, guitar, violin, hands clapping, staff stomping, flags and banners flowing and flapping.
One father of waters ‘Yahweh’ Sang, ‘Let the river flow’, ‘Open floodgates of mercy’, ‘Nothing but the blood of Jesus’, (breakthrough of overcast, reduction of dust in air), ‘The river of the blood of Jesus’, ‘Let it flow Drawing in closer, sounding in intersession for babies. Oh!!! Holy!!!! Ladies sang ‘worthy’!!!! Men joined in. All ‘Abba, Abba, Abba’
‘Sirens sounded’ sounding for babies? I saw in spirit a baby in clouds crawling towards us with one hand raised towards us. We made chant like Native Americans. Lady in black – with backpack fell down.
Then James had her lead ‘heal America, with your blood’. Lady in black then prayed for strategies. Then sang ‘Have mercy on America, by your blood’. Then sang ‘We release mercy on America by your blood’.
James – We release blood bought mercy and floodgates of mercy
Then sang, ‘We open the floodgates of mercy’. In parking lot ’24 obelisks linked by chains – announced by James then related ‘snowball at high place story’. Freemasonry in church, 24 obelisks-unseating of ungodly elders and seating of Godly elders. Rang freedom bell – smashed gates of hell.
Note obelisks in bottom left corner.
Here it was, in the dream I had before the journey began there was a waterfall and 24 obelisks were washed over the falls out of the church. And at St, Anthony Falls in St. Paul, Minnesota we see them. Thank you Lord for dealing with Freemasonry in Your house.
Meeting 28 - Harriet Island, Minneapolis, Minnesota
We had proclaimed long before the journey began that God was up to something in the heart of America. Mississippi Mercy in our estimation was paramount to a massive air assault preparing the way for a move of mercy.
On the heels of Mississippi Mercy, D-Day in Normandy, Missouri with Dutch Sheets. End-tIme Handmaidens World Convention and the Franklin Graham Rock the River Initiative.
We met on the grounds where rock the river will gather in a few short weeks. The weather was perfect, the hearts were tender, worship was wonderful, and the sound glorious.
As we pressed in together and sang Amazing Grace, a woman whose father had died recently was passing by and taken by the music, and gave her heart to the Lord. We felt it was a first fruit offering for many salvations, mercy is falling like the sweet spring rain.
Day 11 • May 21, 2009
Meeting 29 - Sauk Rapids, Minnesota
This was another site that we had visited on the River Flush journey two years before. We were blessed to have a state representative with us this day, and a group of very well trained young prophetic people.
As the drums were released and the worship arose it was tribal indeed! This was one warring group of people. There were many things that we did at each stop along the journey that took on very different characteristics from region to region; near the end of each gathering we would call people from that territory to prophesy over the next seven generations. Making declaration, proclamation and decree over what would and wouldn’t be. This proved to be a very powerful segment at this location.
Meeting 30 - Lake Itasca, Minnesota • Headwaters of the Mississippi River
It was more than wonderful to see our precious friends from Mississippi, Billy Joe and Ruthie Young, and Buck Yurl, who had driven all this way to be with us at the headwaters. Also our friends from Ohio Bob and Elizabeth Burns had come to meet us at the headwaters. The Lord had told me that with the silencing of each beating heart through abortion the heart of America had grown far from His and that the purpose for worshipping drums up the river was to realign the rhythm of America’s heart to His. He said the drums would be in essence a defibrillator in this alignment process.
A beautiful large topographical relief of the Mississippi River approximately 20’ in length is located at the visitors center. And on the wall just behind it hung a heart defibrillator. I almost fell over. I have seen a fire extinguisher on walls before bur never a heart defibrillator. God You are awesome!
The headwaters are very narrow approximately 30’ across as the flow over a rock water fall from Lake Itasca. There were maybe 70-100 people who had come to join us, but my eye was drawn to couple on the other side of the headwaters sitting in lawn chairs. Who were they and why were they here?
Come to find out they had been coming regularly for weeks to prepare the way for us. Mighty is our God and precious are His people. My heart was overwhelmed when I found that out.
The Lord was faithful and the worship was wonderful at the headwaters but now it was time to release the “12 Red Bowls” A young man had called me before the journey began and said that he had a vision of 12 Red Bowls representing the prayers of the saints being released from the headwaters of the Mississippi River, but he didn’t how to accomplish it, I told him I was headed that way and I would help him fulfill that vision.
A precious sister purchased 12 Red Bowls and gave them to me, we sat them out at almost every stop so they could record the worship and intercession, sort of like witness stones, we had received offerings in them, used them as drums, and now it was time for their journey down the river. A wonderful brother Tom Gibson who had been such a great blessing to us in Minnesota said that we needed to pour out their intercession before we sent them on their journey so we did.
At every gathering up the river we had everyone touch the bowls so that traces of their DNA were on them so if CSI ever needed to they could prove that we were all guilty of releasing Mississippi Mercy.
Then something pretty cool happened, I wanted everyone to proclaim over the next seven generations as we were holding the bowls as families but we had many more bowls and the Lord said, ”The lids were witnesses also.” Hallelujah, I didn’t even count them as witnesses, but He did! Just like others I have discounted, but he hasn’t! Just like the unborn our government has discounted, but He hasn’t!
We did many more prophetic acts but right after we had struck the water with our staffs, breaking the union between jezebel and leviathan. I didn’t know where we should go from there, and then Billy Joe Young an Apostolic Father from the state of Mississippi, “The Fathering State” and here we are at the headwaters of the Mississippi The Father of Waters” said to me, “We need to put our feet in the water.”
An African American lady had shared a vision with us when we were in Minneapolis, she said she saw the Lord Jesus being enthroned at the headwaters, and she saw children playing in the water, and then in cities downstream she saw multitudes of business people coming out of buildings and being baptized in the Mississippi.
When we put our feet in the water, we all started playing like children. The next thing I knew I saw my son standing on the other side of the river, I bid him to come stand by me. Then the Lord told me to walk him across the river representing us helping the next generation to cross over.
As we walked across the river I began to sing, “Come on and walk on the water with me, you will not fail, My God won’t let you fail. He has been faithful to me, He will be faithful to you.” Before we got to the shore my good friends Kingsley Walker and Stan Pratt were there to help us over, everyone was weeping.
I got busy for a few moments when I heard this great “ROAR” of celebration behind me I turned to look at what the commotion was about and my son had jumped in the river and swam to the other side. Although it wasn’t hardly deep enough to swim in he wanted to be able to say, he has swam the Mississippi River.
It was much more than that, we had helped him across and now he had found courage in front of a hundred people he didn’t know to jump in the river and swim to the other side, and now some of his DNA was joining the Red Bowls in floating downstream. It was glorious!
Meeting 31 - Bemidji, Minnesota
After the meeting at Lake Itasca we were wondering what would the evening bring? How could anything compare to what we had just experienced? But the Lord wasn’t finished yet.
A wonderful group called Fire Starters were leading worship outside at a Ski Lodge, there were probably a hundred or so people at the gathering.
Forerunners are a miss understood lot, because they are usually ahead of the curve and so they do some things it takes most folks awhile to catch up to, I am one of those. But for years now I have worked with intercessors and I have come to find out that there are forerunners to forerunners, I mean these folks travel way out front, sometimes you think they aren’t listening to the same drummer.
You know I believe that it is a timing issue; I think they hear accurately but just don’t know when or how to release what they’ve received. A friend of mine likens them to Babe Ruth, when his timing was right Babe hit home runs, but when his timing was off, Babe struck out a lot.
Anyway we had one of those traveling with us on this journey. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, you’re crying for mercy, I have sent you someone to make sure you give some. But my forerunner of forerunners, wasn’t off this night, he hit a homerun!
We looked and he had climbed to the top of the mountain (mind you it’s a Minnesota mountain, not like the Rockies are nothin’ but still a feat to get there) he set huge flags all across the top of the mountain blowing in the wind, it was glorious and somehow changed the atmosphere of the whole evening. I got lost in worship again, then a friend nudged me, I looked and half way up the mountain was another of our team members, we call him Mighty Myron of Marion.
Now Myron is not in shape to climb no mountain, but there he was taking about three steps and resting then taking a few more. Then a few minutes later I looked and my son Isaac had his arm around Myron helping him up the mountain. I hadn’t seen it until just now, I had helped that generation across at the last stop and now they were helping us up at this one.
The same thing had really played out that whole evening at first there was a gap between those leading us in worship and the worshippers but before the evening was over we had bridged the gap.
At some point we began to move into releasing the Awakening wind over the heart of America. We called a Native American brother forth and ask him to release the wind. We began to sing let the wind blow, let the fire fall, let the glory come down behind him. It just kept intensifying and he began to release a “War Cry” and we began to release a War Cry with him, and we began to dance and…do you get the drift? It was glorious!!!!
Day 12 • May 22, 2009
Meeting 32 - International Falls, Minnesota
Somewhere way back in the journey a person had handed me $40 Canadian and said please don’t just do this for the U.S. intercede for Canada also.
As we gathered here a Native woman from Canada was among us, the Lord said, “Give the $40 Canadian to her. This journey truly was about North America.
Here we were at another Band Shell, we had enough shofars to surround the Band Shell, we released the shofars in a clockwise direction one shofar after another in a powerful resound, dancers danced clockwise around the pavilion as well.
Now drummers released Bob and Buck chanted Yahweh and swung their mighty swords then we sang Jesus. There’s just something about that Name…. ‘To Him who sits on the throne’, ‘Blessings and honor, glory and honor, four living creatures.
We surrounded the women from Canada and women with men. Sang welcome my darling,I shared the story of the singer boy (called creamy) in movie, ‘Australia’, who said, ‘I will sing you to me’. Women released sound then chanted ‘mercy’, then sang ‘how great is our God’, ‘How great thou art’, ‘We exalt thee oh Lord’, as we sang ‘we enthrone you Swirling wind came.
Ann – James prayed then ‘holy, holy, holy. Ann from Kansas started beating Indian tune on drum. And then all the rest of the women started thumping on the drum. Sounded like a Native American tune to me. War cry even calling holy, holy, holy. Grace, grace, grace. Then sang ‘Oh the blood of Jesus’, then ‘we are standing on holy ground’. Everyone took off shoes – just the women then sang ‘holy ground’. Then sand original ‘Amazing Grace’. Then ‘around the throne version’. Come home North America. Then released grace, grace.
I was obedient to what Chuck told me, I began to shout with a loud voice (what little I had left) – the awakening has begun. Everyone chanted the awakening has begun. Hoorah. MN men released, ‘Minnesota north wind is the awakening wind’. Psalm 24 ancient gates be lifted up.
Sally related a vision she had while we were worshipping of angelic angels worshipping and then angels with swords in corners of the continent – then millions of angels went forth to the four corners of the earth for the end time harvest. ‘I have heard your cry, you have touched my heart’.
We then moved to the ground and had powerful prayer time executing the judgments written and breaking the union between jezebel, leviathan, and the religious spirit.
Meeting 33 - Baudette, Minnesota
We hadn’t intended on going to Baudette, but the Minnesota folks felt it very important that we complete the journey and the Northern Lights Ministry Center. They have done a marvelous job restoring a school building and transforming it into a ministry center. In the sanctuary hung two large banners Alpha & Omega.
Our home church Alpha & Omega is also a restored school building and they had prayed for us and sent us out to begin this journey and now we were finishing it here in this building it was amazing.
At some point in the evening I had everyone go and lay hands on the walls so that their DNA was speaking and what they had witnessed from New Orleans would continually speak here, this sanctuary was a RED BOWL!
We then worshipped with Fire Starters although I call them Flame Throwers. We gathered everyone close to the platform and released the sound of the 50 million.
I thought we were through as I turned the meeting back over to the Flame Throwers to end the evening in worship, but a pastor from Canada came and ask if we would go a few blocks to the border and release the sound of the shofar over Canada.
She said, we were at a continental divide, north and south and the waters flowed from here north to the Hudson Bay and just as we had traveled from New Orleans to here, we could now release sound from here north to Hudson Bay. So we did just want she asked, we released the sound of mercy north over Canada. We almost always drive a stake everywhere we go with scriptures that were released written on the stake, for a few years now we have been using gold-painted railroad spikes. As we finished, I don’t know, something prompted me to just throw the spike into the ground, when I did it was like the ground opened up to receive it. There was this sucking sound and the spike went three quarters of the way into the earth. It was another jaw dropping moment for us all.
Thanks so much to everyone who prayed and supported in any way, shape, or form. The Lord be praised! We are grateful to the hundreds of intercessors who prayed!
All those who traveled with us and aren't pictured here, and those who couldn't come but faithfully prayed, the Lord knows and thank you!