River — History — Prepare the Way Ministries

Prepare the Way Ministries

Preparing every bloodline and family tree for eternal destiny

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Mississippi Calling – January 26-30, 2010

Mississippi / Choctaw: The Father of Waters

Father actually wrote His name over this state. We believe the purpose of Mississippi has always been to release to the nations of the earth the sound of the Father's Heart.

Mississippi has an intercessory mandate to call for fathers to arise, come forth, and take their rightful place.

Eddie James forebearers were slaves in Mississippi we believe that he is among the first fruits of the DNA of Mississippi rising to release the sound of Father's heart.

We also believe because of the eternal mandate upon this state to release the sound of Father's heart, Mississippi will be the first state in the Union to be abortion-free.

The voice of the Lord is upon the waters, the sound of awakening is resounding throughout the Mississippi Valley "Valley of the Father"¬

Mississippi and Louisiana, both strategically placed at the mouth of the Mississippi River Valley, which runs through the heart of the nation, have been given joint responsibility to steward the Governmental Sound of the Father throughout the nations of the earth.

A silver trumpet is made of two pieces: the mouthpiece (Minnesota), and the bell (Mississippi and Louisiana). Louisiana, Mississippi, Minnesota, and all points in between have begun to function as a unit in the heart of America.

Arise, Mississippi, Arise! Take your place, and call fathers to walk in the fullness of their destiny!

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