Days 11 - 20
Day Eleven
January 31, 2017
The number 11 is important in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos, and judgment.
In the Bible, 11 is used twenty-four times... coming after 10 (which represents law and responsibility), the number eleven represents the opposite - the irresponsibility of breaking the law, which brings disorder and judgment.
As President Trump enters his eleventh day as President, and his second full week as president, through the blood of Your Son, we bless him with grace to stay the course, as he takes measures to rebuild the gates of our nation.
We bless him with wisdom from on high to restore law and order, so that violence shall no longer be heard in our land. We decree neither wasting nor destruction within our borders, but we shall call our walls Salvation and our gates Praise.
We thank you today also for strengthening every person who holds an immigration, customs, or homeland security position, who process eighty million people a year who enter the gates of our nation. We say, grace, grace, grace, and supernatural strength to you.
Thank You Father for blessing those charged to set in place extreme vetting protocols, to protect us from those who would enter our land with intent to kill, maim, and destroy us.
Father, let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion who seek to destroy life within the borders of our nation – though today we are dealing with the borders of our land, we extend this decree to evildoers in any nation.
We say this day: woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those causing us to live under the shadow of death, without any order, where even the light is like darkness. We thank you for delivering our nation from leaders who adhere to that mindset in which officers of the law are ridiculed while thugs and terrorists are exalted.
President Trump said he would bring law and order, and we say, bring it! Through the blood of the Son, light be!
Day Twelve
February 1, 2017
Twelve is the number of government, apostolic rule, and the number of God’s covenanted ones in power. Twelve represents the epitome of consummate divine and human rulership under Creator God.
- The Prophet's Dictionary, Paula A. Price
As President Trump enters his twelfth day in office, we once again lift his arms up in prayer. Thank You, majestic Father, for Your outpouring of governmental grace upon him and all of those You have chosen to serve our nation along with him in this season.
We continue to release blood-bought light into Washington D.C. (District of Christ)! We are watching hearts be further exposed with the release of each executive order.
I Timothy 2:1-2 exhorts us:
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
Father, we give do give thanks and link with every blood-bought intercession that is being released on behalf of the leadership of our nation. Today we focus on the phrase “and all who are in authority.”
Blood-bought light is cutting deep and exposing the intent of hearts of those in authority in the establishment of both parties.
All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits.
- Proverbs 16:2
Father, it is mercy for a man to see his ways in Your light. Visit the bedroom of all those in authority with the light Your fear, O Lord, releases. This night, cause kingpins in authority who have been twisted by power and governed in pride, to be awakened by the shaking of Your fear, Great King!
Let those who are standing against the confirmation of righteous men and women find nowhere to hide. Mete out divine mercy (that same mercy Saul met that turned him into Paul) to all who are in authority in all seven mountains that mold culture.
Thank You that it is You who have orchestrated the announcement of President Trump’s choice for Supreme Court Justice on this twelfth day of his presidency. Thank You, Father, for fitting this choice for the office and anointing them with great grace to serve in the wisdom of Your might, O Righteous Judge.
Thank You, Father, for letting us see with our own eyes what the epitome of consummate divine and human rulership under Creator God actually looks like.
Day Thirteen
February 2, 2017
On one side, the number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness. Thirteen represents all the governments created by men and those inspired by Satan in outright rebellion against the Eternal, as depicted in Psalm 2.
As Donald Trump enters his thirteenth day as president, thank You Father for blessing him and his entire administration to govern through the anointing and power of the blood-bought light of Your Son, the Light of the World. Light be!
These past eight years, we have seen our society plunged deep into lawlessness as the previous administration opened wide the gates of rebellion and refused to enforce the laws already on the books – still manifesting today in the outright rebellion of sanctuary cities refusing to obey the laws that are in place.
The earth is Yours, Great King, and we appeal to You, Father of Lights, to so powerfully light up our nation with the power of eternal truth that no one is without excuse; every lawless agenda is being shown and known for what it is!
Thank You Father, that the voice of Your thunder is in the whirlwind! The lightnings of Your eternal truth, and the order it brings, are lighting up the world. Policies in governments created by men (and inspired by Satan) are trembling and shaking, and line upon line being removed.
Thirteen is also the number that bonds multiplicity into oneness. For example: There are twelve tribes that are bonded into their father, Israel. Israel is the thirteenth. Therefore, another meaning of the number thirteen is the bonding of many into one.
Because of this, it is evident why the demonically inspired United Nations rejects Israel, the one nation fashioned by Father to bond all nations to His purpose. Through Israel, all nations will be blessed.
Thank You Father for blessing President Trump and his entire administration with this bonding grace!
Donald Trump, watch what Elohim can do with a heart He created for such time as this!
That’s why all of those who say they have named the name of Christ need to keep their tongues off of President Trump! Do you stand as intercessor for him, or accuser against him? Just as Jesus asked the Pharisees, what father are you of?
If our nation ever needed the bonding of one into many, it is now!
So today, Your sons on earth agree with the plumb-line order of Your eternal Kingdom, majestic Father, and loose Your judgments into every demonically inspired nest. Speak to the root to dry up and wither so that they produce no fruit!
A nation divided cannot stand, so we loose confusion into the core of those demonically inspired structures whose motives are to divide and sow hatred into the hearts of the citizens of our nation. Divide the dividers, Chief Justice of the Universe!
At the same time we loose mercy upon all those who have been seduced and twisted backwards in their thinking by those who they looked to as fathers, teachers, and leaders – all those who have called evil good and good evil.
Thank You for allowing President Trump to govern a nation set aflame with the awakening fires of Your love burning in every bloodline and every family tree.
Day Fourteen
February 3, 2017
Heavenly Father, thank You for this fourteenth day of Donald Trump’s presidency. Through the blood of Your Son, we thank You that President Trump and his family, Vice President Pence and his family, and this entire administration are protected, safe, and secure from any and every onslaught of the enemy.
Give supernatural insight to those charged to protect them; bless them with holy knowing and prophetic unction to undercover plots and plans well in advance of any attempt to bring these plots to fruition.
Thank You for bathing our nation in mercy and the blessing of Your protection. Thank You for Your supernatural protection of our military personnel and law enforcement officers wherever they are serving. Bring them home safe to their homes and families!
At the same time – release so much light that there is no place to hide for any who have entered our borders with evil intent. Deliver us from the sanctuary city fools who want to protect the lawless.
Your word tells us that "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." (1 Sam 15:23) When Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
So Father, bless us with Your righteous judgments in whatever measure we need to bring course correction, for Your judgments are Your mercy.
We are asking You to multiply the standard that President Trump has set for every new regulation; for every new one there would be the removal of two.
We intercede for every confirmation and righteous appointment in this administration – let there be a removal of five kingpins of darkness who stand in rebellion against the advancement of Your kingdom and spread lies and falsehood in our land. Remove those who call evil good and good evil! In their place, plant deep in our land those formed in their mother’s womb – those who carry righteous renaissance within them.
Thank You for the men and women President Trump is appointing; cause him to be very skilled in discerning and rooting out those positioned in each department who don’t love and honor our nation, or hold its best interest in their hearts. Root them out and replace them with those who do.
We thank You again today that every scheme of the enemy that would keep righteous men and women from being confirmed is falling to the ground and being exposed for what it is.
We bless Capitol Hill with the fear of the Lord!
Day Fifteen
February 4, 2017
As President Trump enters his fifteenth day as president, we pray for his wife Melania, Vice President Pence’s wife Karen, and the wives and spouses of all of President Trump’s advisers and cabinet members.
Thank You Father for covering each of them with the protective shield that the blood of Your Son purchased. We appropriate that blood covering over each of them, and their children, and children’s children’s children!
Father, bless every cell within them with Your perfect peace – that peace that garrisons them about like a fortress.
Bless each of them with Your supernatural joy unspeakable, for we know that Your joy is our strength. Let that joy radiate from them through their spouse, through every governmental structure, and out into the streets, filling the shops, schools, towns, and cities of our nation with the supernatural healing strength of Your joy!
We decree a revival of supernatural laughter is washing over America! Double down on what You did in the Rodney Howard Brown days! Slam into the Senate, and cause Chuck Schumer to be taken in such laughter that he rolls around on the floor, along with anyone else who is filled with D.C. delusion! In Your mercy bless them with an eternal attitude adjustment, just like You did with Nebuchadnezzar.
You have formed each and every one of these spouses in their mothers’ wombs for such time as this – thank You! You have fashioned them, prepared them, strategically positioned them, and given them voices to govern alongside their spouses in this hour through intimate conversations filled with great understanding and prophetic insight. They are anointed to be the covenantal helpmeets that our nation needs right now!
We decree that no weapon formed against any of them will prosper, and that they will condemn every tongue that would rise up against them in judgment.
Thank You for blessing their dreams, and through their dreams blessings the dreams of every man, woman, little boy, and little girl in these United States of America.
Thank You Father for filling them with Your creative solutions, strategies, and answers that will help their spouses fashion, form, and reform departments, structures, and systems into lean mean, righteous-governing machines the likes of which the earth has never seen.
Thank You for Proverbs 31 women taking their positions throughout America and beyond as we rise and bless them.
Day Sixteen
February 5, 2017
On this sixteenth day of Donald Trump’s presidency, we bless him; we bless him by being obedient to Matthew 5:44 and blessing them that have been cursing him, doing good to them that hate him (in this case by praying for them), and praying for those which have been despitefully using and persecuting him.
Father, you have heard every misrepresentation of him, and every mocking, scoffing, venomous insult that has been hurled at him. Thank You for surrounding him with Your protecting fire and causing every word hurled at him to melt like wax, not draining him of any strength. Thank You for every word launched against him missing its mark and producing no fruit whatsoever!
Your word tells us in Proverbs 22:10 "Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease."
We realize that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Supernatural Father, we need supernatural deliverance from these forces intending to split our nation in two and plunge us into chaos!
So we appeal to heaven and appropriate the blood of Your Son!
We thank You for delivering our nation from this darkness supernaturally – deliver every living soul that this scoffing spirit has blinded and uses at will, even our president!
He, like us, is maturing moment by moment in Your mercy and Your grace. We bless him this day to step out from his old cycles, patterns, and triggered responses into the righteous responses You have prepared for him for this new day.
The same prayer we have made for him, we make for each of those the enemy has used not to strengthen our nation, but to weaken it by giving place to this demonic communication.
Deliver us, O good and gracious Father, so this scoffing spirit has no place to rest in our land.
"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.
But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic.
For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."
– James 3:13-18
This is the sound! This is the anthem of heaven that is filling the United States of America from sea to shining sea – we decree!
Day Seventeen
February 6, 2017
In the Bible the number 17 symbolizes “overcoming the enemy” and “complete victory.”
On President Trump’s seventeenth day in office, we thank You Heavenly Father for using him (through the blood of Your Son) to minister complete victory and overcome the enemies of our nation.
Father, You overcame the sins of rebellious humans when You began to flood the earth with rain on the seventeenth day of the second month. Noah’s ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the seventeenth of the seventh month (right in the middle of the annual period that You have marked Holy, now known as the Feast of Tabernacles).
Our Lord Jesus gained a complete victory over death and the grave when You resurrected Him near sunset on Nisan 17 (Saturday, April 8, 30 A.D.). Thank You, Father!
So today we stand in the gap for our nation; it is easy to see that that gap is enormous! Nevertheless, nothing is too big for You, so we appropriate the same resurrection power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead to deal with the root of the insurrection, anarchy, and chaos that has been hatched in hell.
Anoint President Trump and his team this day with supernatural insight and divine strategy that confounds the enemy, fills them with confusion, and causes them to turn on themselves and implode from within.
Just as You overcame rebellious humans when You began to release a flood those thousands of years ago, loose a spiritual flood upon these United States of America on this seventeenth day of Donald Trump’s presidency.
Thank You for releasing the former and the latter rain, filled with so much light and fire that Your enemies are blinded by the light; we decree that those whose minds and hearts have been twisted backwards and filled with bitterness, hatred, and strong delusion are running out of that dungeon of humanistic darkness into the bright light and mercy of eternal truth!
Thank You for ministering great grace in this time of the turning. Thank You for loosing hurricane-force winds in the spirit that cause such a rapid change in the spiritual climate in our land that every motive and intent is left naked and exposed for what it really is!
At the same time, loose a tsunami of pounding mercy from on high. The earth is being flooded in raging torments of Your body-slamming love that flattens every proud heart that has been raging in the streets. Your great kindness causes those passionate hearts to turn en masse and bend their knees in humble repentance as the power of lawlessness is crushed by the power of the cross.
Yes, the seventeenth day of Donald Trump’s presidency is a good day indeed!
Day Eighteen
February 7, 2017
As president Donald Trump arises this glorious morning on the eighteenth day of his presidency, thank You Father for awakening him in the strength of Your supernatural joy!
O Lord my strength, thank You for being the strength of this administration. Thank You for exposing and removing individuals who are leaking information and would seek to sabotage President Trump or his administration in any form or fashion.
Lord, You are our president’s rock, and his fortress, and his mighty deliverer; You are our majestic Father in whom we do trust; You are President Trump’s shield and buckler, and the horn of his salvation, and his high tower.
I ask this day for every eye that reads this prayer to release the sound of the shofars either with the horn or with your mouth (each person is a shofar) with the specific intent of piercing the darkness and decimating the enemy's plans, again causing them to turn upon each other so they cannot accomplish any evil work.
We will call upon You, Lord – You are worthy to be praised; thank You for saving us from our enemies!
Thank You for blessing this president by releasing another round of supernatural awakening winds, pushing back the darkness, and burning off the mind-binding witchcraft fog that has held so many under its snare.
Thank You for the court of heaven ruling against those who would willfully impede or obstruct the advancement of those needing confirmation to their office or post.
We give unto You, Lord, glory and strength.
We give unto You the glory due unto Your name.
Your voice, O Lord, is upon the waters dispersing the Soros-funded rebellion. Great God of glory, thunder over those causing orchestrated chaos and destruction in our streets!
Loose the faithful lightning of Your terrible swift sword!
Let them meet Your fear, O Lord.
We bless Your powerful voice; full of majesty.
Do Your work, Your very strange work!
Thank You for giving strength to Your people and blessing Your people with peace.
Day Nineteen
February 8, 2017
Abba Father, Chief Justice of the Universe, we welcome your intervention on this nineteenth day of Donald Trump’s presidency.
Through the Blood of Your Son, trump every hellish strategy launched against him!
As the ninth circuit deliberates this injunction against President Trump’s executive order, let the extreme vetting of “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except through me” shake our nation to its covenantal core!
Yes, great God of the covenant, throw down the blood-bought card You purchased with Your own blood – cause the arrogant and high-minded to be brought low!
Let the angels who were in attendance when our forebears bent their knees and dedicated this nation to be that "city set on a hill" move in the sound of Your card coming down.
I hear the sound of eternal justice coming down – the sound that exposes every intent and motive, and lays them bear before Your court, O King! It is the sound of the heavenly anthem that drowns all music but its own!
Let this nineteenth day of Mr. Trump’s presidency be the beginning of the cleansing of this judicial branch that has legislated from the bench and overturned the will of the people time and again until we have a law of the land that is an affront to all that You are!
Thank you for using this man whom the haughty and the high-minded despise and perceive as foolish! Go on Father, use him to confound the wise and expose every wicked allegiance.
Let Your fear, O Lord, fill the bedrooms of everyone elected or appointed who has the title of "justice" connected to their name. It is mercy for them to meet the sober justice that only Your fear brings. Bless their eyes to be open and their hearts to truly understand, O great Judge! Spread true justice and release Your order in every court throughout our land.
Day Twenty
February 9, 2017
As our president awakens this morning and enters his twentieth day of presidency, we bless him!
Lord, You know there are enough people cursing him (not realizing they are actually cursing themselves), so we bless them to awaken and bless him with grace to override their word curses and make, clear, strong decisions from on high.
As I awoke at 3:33, my thoughts went to Your wonderful promise in Jeremiah; through the magnificent blood of the Son, we bless You Father.
We call to You, and thank You for revealing things that have been fenced in and hidden that we didn’t know, recognize, or perceive.
Thank You Father, for the revelation of this scripture permeating every department, office, and bedroom of those blessed to be in the administration leading us in this hotbed of change.
We bless, we bless, we bless the leaders of our nation from the president all the way down.
And for those who have decreed “We want this nation to be ungovernable” – Father, deal with them as you see fit.