Days 21-30
Day Twenty-One
February 10, 2017
Heavenly Father, as the dawn breaks over this twenty-first day of Donald Trump’s presidency, we thank You for it being a day of tremendous breakthrough on every front!
We thank You for moving deep within President Trump and blessing every cell within him. Thank You for awakening him with fresh vision from on high and filling him with strength to lead through the strength of Your joy. Through the blood of Your Son, majestic Father, we bless our president!
We bless President Trump’s ability to communicate in the harness of humility. Thank you for maturing him in this great attribute of kingdom strength and causing him to grow more sensitive to Your prompts day by day – fill him with what to speak at the given moment; show him what to tweet or not to tweet.
We stand again this day lifting up a shield of faith, quenching all the fiery darts of word curses launched against him. We say grace, grace, grace for the leader of our nation.
We bless His entire cabinet to lead in the mercy of Your light!
Father, we bless You for causing those who would divide America to be divided amongst themselves.
Day Twenty-Two
February 11, 2017
Creator of days, we thank You for creating this twenty-second day of Donald Trump’s presidency, and fashioning him in his mother’s womb for this day.
We thank You in advance for the blessings that are far more exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask, imagine, or think reverberating through this president on behalf of Your purpose for this nation.
Just as you created Cyrus and used him mightily for Your purpose in his hour, use President Trump to trump the strategies and designs of darkness in this hour.
So, through the “it is finished power” of the blood of Your Son, move through this administration with a mighty finishing anointing. Thank You for blessing the leader of each department with great discernment in this period of pruning and restructuring.
As Jeff Sessions has finally been sworn in, bless Attorney General Jeff Sessions to bring the justice department into plumb-line order – give him divine strategy to stem the tide of lawlessness running rampant in our land.
We bless You Father for releasing a wave of dismantling light through the structures of darkness and all who have been aligned with and profited in perpetuating and promoting that darkness.
We magnify the light and order of all that You are, O Great King – Your Kingdom come in mighty power this day!
Day Twenty-Three
February 12, 2017
Father, as president Trump enters the gates of his twenty-third day as president, thank You for teaching him thanksgiving at a deeper level than he has ever known.
We thank You that just as oil runs down Aaron’s beard and the dew down from Mount Hermon, thanksgiving is flowing from the Oval Office and running through every state, street, home, and heart in our nation.
Thank You for teaching our president to bow low before You, Great Shepherd, and our nation to bow low as well in great honor of Your word and Your ways.
Thank You for teaching us to drink from Your still and restful waters.
We watch as those drunk on the nectar of the bitter cup destroy the property of the innocent and abuse officers of the law assigned to minister justice. Only Your awakening light can break the power of the spell, and rid us of this chaos, Great King.
Mercy for the deluded is our cry, and our decree; loose Your arrows and pin the enemies of order to the wall.
Day Twenty-Four
February 13, 2017
Psalm 24 declares, “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the people, and they that dwell therein.”
On the twenty-fourth day of President Trump’s presidency, thank You Father for bringing every high place low and filling every low place with Your deep fathering love. Make every crooked place straight, and remove every stone of stumbling – first, within President Trump and each member of this new administration, then emanating through the halls and hearts of every congressman, senator, and justice throughout the land.
We pray for President Trump’s daughter Ivanka. Thank You for layer after layer of Your liquid love ministering to Ivanka this day; immerse her again and again! We praise you for restoring to her in fullness all the enemy has stolen from her.
Through the blood of the Son, we release the breath of God – blow winds, blow! We praise you that these mighty winds are uprooting roots of wickedness, removing thrones of rebellion, and silencing the voice of chaos with the howl of Your holy wind.
Day Twenty-Five
February 14, 2017
To You, O Lord, we lift up the soul of our president on his twenty-fifth day in office.
O my Father, thank You for teaching Him to trust moment by moment in You; Let him not be ashamed; Let his enemies not triumph over him.
Teach him that no one who waits on You will be ashamed. Many are his enemies, O Lord, who hate him with a cruel hatred.
Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously with him (or a member of his family) without cause.
Thank You, for showing him Your ways, O Lord, and teaching him Your paths. Thank You for letting his entire family, cabinet members, and administration see You move on their behalf like they have never seen before! Lead them in Your truth and teach them – through the blood of Your Son we bless them this day.
As President Trump enters this third full work week of his presidency, thank You for strengthening him with might in his inner man, and that You are rooting and grounding him deep in love, so much so that we begin to see the manifested fruit of Your love doing a deep, deep work throughout his entire being. We praise you that this shift is being reflected even in the words he tweets!
Thank You for filling him and his entire cabinet with a "sons of Issachar" ability to understand the times and to know what to do so they can skillfully lead our nation through this time of troubled waters.
As we enter the twenty-sixth day of Donald Trump’s presidency, we continue to thank You Father for maturing him and his entire team daily.
We thank You for filling him and his team with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that they may walk worthy of You Lord, fully pleasing to You, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of You, majestic Father, strengthened with all might, according to Your glorious power.
We thank You for filling this administration with so much light that there is nowhere for darkness to hide. Through the blood of Your Son, we release blood-bought light to expose everyone who is leaking information in order to damage this presidency.
We are asking You, Justice of all justice, to sign an executive order from on high today concerning Washington D.C., enacting an expose and remove program for every crooked bureaucrat with hidden agendas!
Thank You for sending Your fear, O Lord, through every square foot of this bureaucracy! We are joyfully thanking You for this supernatural exposure and removal of those purposefully empowering darkness throughout the nation.
We bless You Father for visiting those who are also purposefully falsely reporting, twisting, and lying about the actions of this president in an endeavor to fill our nation with fear. We decree that the media mountain is meeting real fear and “shake” with fear of the Lord and accurately report that experience!
Isaiah 26:9 tells us, “For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.”
Well, on this 26th day, great Father, teach some Isaiah 26 righteousness to those charged to accurately report the news!
Day Twenty-six
February 15, 2017
Day Twenty-Seven
February 16, 2017
Father, on the twenty-seventh day of Donald Trump’s presidency, bless Benjamin Netanyahu as he is in our nation. Thank You for forming a deep relationship of honor and trust between him and President Trump.
We thank You also for shedding light on the Chicago poison that has been spreading through our nation, born from the pen of a lawless thug! Thank You for filling us with informed intercession.
The following insight comes from William Federer’s American Minute (I encourage you to subscribe, as well):
"The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre occurred in 1929 during the Prohibition era. Al Capone’s Chicago mob murdered seven members of Bugs Moran’s Irish gang.
Accompanying Al Capone’s hit man Frank Nitti as he terrorized neighborhoods was the young Saul Alinsky, who later adapted this technique into the political tactic of community organizing."
Saul Alinsky wrote in Rules for Radicals (1971):
“The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community ... stir up dissatisfaction and discontent ... search out controversy and issues ... fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression ... For unless there is controversy, the people are not motivated enough to act.”
I Samuel 15:23 tells us that “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” – our nation is now tasting the fruit of community organizers schooled in Alinsky-inspired strategies of anarchy.
So Father, on this twenty-seventh day of a new administration committed to restoring law and order, we thank You, Majestic Father, for uprooting this lawless cancer from our nation by laying its roots bare in the light of Your glory. Father, fully expose those who outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
O Gracious Father, we realize that we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, so we thank You for a supernatural eradication of this spirit that is inflaming the hearts of men! Through the blood of the Son, we bind these demonic kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron to execute on them the written judgment.
We release the light of eternal justice into every gathering where this confederation of darkness has seduced and intoxicated hurting hearts with burning rage. Your raging love has always been the answer for burning rage! So this day, Father, set ablaze in holy, raging love every dry, bitter, hate-filled, deluded deceived, lawless heart.
Day Twenty-eight
February 17, 2017
Father, on this twenty-eighth day of Donald Trump’s presidency, thank You for drawing him close and sheltering him under the shadow of Your wing.
In the midst of this whirlwind of hungry sharks, the Republican establishment, strong opposition from the Democratic party, the media, the arts and entertainment industries, and anarchists of every stripe, all licking their lips and joyfully anticipating the demise of him, and his administration, we thank You for magnifying him in the sight of the people, just like You did for Joshua, causing the reverential awe of Your name to spread through the land.
It is easy to see who belongs to You, King of Love, the King who ever lives to make intercession for us. There is a stark difference between yours and those who belong to the accuser, that snake who has been spreading his poisonous venom since the garden.
Hell hates the light and the authority of the glory of the Lord. Our nation is made to be a city set on a hill, where the glory of the Lord shines brightly so all the world can see.
Honor unlocks glory and dishonor diminishes it! The strategy of hell is to so dishonor and diminish Donald Trump that it prevents any God-given gift he may have to unlock the glory of the land from reaching its full potential.
On this twenty-eighth day, King of Love, King of Glory, we lift up a shout over this president and our nation. You have a great dream far beyond anything we can ask, think, or imagine for every nation on earth, and it’s through honor that Your glory and the glory of each nation will manifest. So, King of Glory, have Your Glory this day!
There are those who are releasing a loud noise, full of dishonor, disorder, lawlessness, fear, and contention designed to silence the sound of any who oppose them! They have proclaimed that their intent is to make our nation ungovernable. We, the body of Christ, through the blood of the Son, take authority over that strategy of hell and bind it!
Father, through Your multifaceted wisdom, O Elohim, now make known to the angelic rulers and authorities in the heavenly places Your great power in dealing with rebellion! Let Your fear visit every council whose intent is to diminish our nation by diminishing and dishonoring this president and his authority.
Father, we call on every covenant our forefathers made with You concerning this land, and the eternal power of every blood-bought prayer aligned with Your dream and purpose of this land. Let Your Freedom Ring!
Note: For all those of your who have shofars, we will begin releasing a blast at the end of these daily prayers, knowing full well that the release of that sound releases confusion into the enemy's camp! If you don’t have a shofar, lift up a shout, for you are a shofar.
Day Twenty-Nine
February 18, 2017
Heavenly Father, as we enter the twenty-ninth day of Donald Trump’s presidency, we give unto You glory and strength. We give unto You all the glory due to Your name; we worship You, Lord, in the beauty of holiness.
No man can govern correctly without committing their way unto You. Bless our president and his cabinet with grace to – moment by moment – live, move, and have their beings, making decisions for the American people in the light of Your mercy.
Father, it is an honor to pray for our leaders, and as we pray, it is becoming evident that some have been in Washington D.C. way too long. In Your wisdom, remedy the situation. Father, some have become strongmen the enemy uses to keep anything righteous from moving; in Your wisdom, remedy the situation. It seems as though there is this special kind of pride and haughtiness of some in the Senate. Father, in Your wisdom, remedy the situation.
Father, on the other hand, there are those who are funding rioters and protesters to disrupt the order in our society and have openly declared they will topple this president. We wrestle not with flesh and blood – cut off demonic heads, and dry up the financial supply of this coalition of chaos.
Father, in and through the name of Your Son, we are praying for righteous leaders to be exalted, and for those leaders who promote wickedness to be removed.
Your voice, O Lord, is over the multitudes of people; mighty God of glory thunder! Thunder over the darkness seeking to tear our nation apart at the seams! Thunder over those deliberately trying to incite riots within our cities. Release Your powerful voice, Ruler of the Universe!
We pray over every kingpin – let there be a supernatural plucking out of those leaders who are deliberately profiting off of the pain of others.
Thank You for releasing so much light that every human trafficking ring operating in our nation is exposed and everyone involved is brought to the bright light of eternal justice.
Thank You for lighting up every supply line of those operating and profiting from the sale of drugs in our nation – we thank you that the light is so bright that there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Day Thirty
February 19, 2017
Father, through the blood and in the name of Your Son, we bless our president, the White House staff, his cabinet, and each of their staff members on this, the thirtieth day of Donald Trump's presidency. We ask that this administration become a body wholly filled and flooded with Your presence!
Thank You for a supernatural shield covering our president, protecting him from all who would do him harm. Thank You for exposing any and all plots against him, any of his family, or cabinet members' families well in advance!
Thank You Father for strengthening and blessing beyond measure the great men and women who spend their lives protecting us and keeping us from harm.
We thank You for Betsy DeVos’s confirmation to lead the U.S. Education Department. Thank You for anointing her to design an education policy that will have eternal impact in the Education Mountain! We bless every cell within her with strength from on high.
As Dr. Patti Amsden so accurately states, “What our nation believes will determine the nation we become.” Bless Betsy to flood the education mountain from top to bottom and from stem to stern with the light of eternal truth and the Fear of the Lord, which is the foundation of knowledge and the beginning of wisdom. Fill every classroom in our nation with the knowledge of the holy.
We thank You also for flooding Washington D.C. with so much light that every hidden thing is exposed, the source of every leak revealed, and every perpetrator brought to justice. Thank You for such exposing light that irrefutable evidence points to the kingpins who are calling the shots behind the scenes and they are brought to justice as well!
Lay on President Trump’s shoulder the grace of the Key of the House of David, so he shall open, and no one shall shut; and he shall shut, and no one shall open. Fasten him as a peg in a secure place, and grace him to establish a glorious throne in Washington D.C. for You to be highly honored, heavenly Father.
We bless Your Holy Name.
Remember to daily sound your shofars or lift up a shout after releasing our intercessions, and making these proclamations and decrees!