Days 31-40
Day Thirty-One
February 20, 2017
Thank You, Elohim, Creator of the Universe, for the sacrifice of Your Son to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
On the thirty-first day of Donald Trump’s presidency, we appropriate the blood of the cross on behalf of those alienated in their minds by wicked works.
Your glorious gospel is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Your Son, who is Your image, Great Creator, should shine on them.
Through the blood-bought mercy of Your Son, we command light to shine out of darkness, giving them light of the knowledge of Your glory, O God. Send fire to every structure and twisted plan in which darkness has been using them to weave to destroy our nation.
Heavenly Father, as Donald Trump’s team puts the final touches on a new executive order designed to protect our nation from terrorists, thank You for helping them to construct an order that is perfectly designed and crafted for our nation’s need to strengthen our gates of entry.
Send Your fear upon all those who attempt to enter our nation with evil intent – bring Your fear and confusion upon all those who have set themselves as enemies of Your purposes and make all Your enemies put their backs to You.
Father, we have enemies from outside which we have just addressed!
Now Father, thank You for dealing with enemies on the inside, elected or appointed officials who pretend to want the best for our nation, but within they have secret motives and hidden agendas. Sweep away their refuge of lies, strip them of power, and confuse every effort to weaken our nation through their demonic allegiance and selfish ambition.
We magnify You, Heavenly Father! Your Kingdom come in great power this thirty-first day!
Day Thirty-Two
February 21, 2017
Heavenly Father, we are thanking You on the thirty-second day of Donald Trump’s presidency for the prayer that Melania prayed on his 31st day in office. I cannot recollect a first lady ever doing that. Naturally, half of the nation loved it, and many of the other half were gnashing their teeth.
Father, we are so sorry that so many in our nation recoil at any mention of anything to do with You, but our Lord Jesus said it would be so.
Thank You Father for blessing Melania Trump; we are so grateful that You have positioned her as first lady. Thank You for giving her such a tender heart that is so very sensitive to the moving of the Holy Spirit.
Use her mightily to minister to our nation, and we ask that everyone who has mocked her to be visited with Your kindness because it is Your kindness that leads to repentance. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!
As we enter another work week, thank You for blessing our president and every one of the White House staff with supernatural strength – fill the House with great joy.
And up on Capitol Hill, Lord, in Your mercy for our nation, expose hearts for what they truly are! Through the Blood, and in the Name of Your Son, Father, we release light that burns so hot that it burns the mask off of every one elected or appointed in D.C.
Thank You that the media is being exposed for what it is, and that the nation is awakened to the falsehoods of the propaganda machine. Thank You for frustrating the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot carry out their plans. Thank You for catching the wise in their own craftiness, and the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them. They meet with darkness in the daytime, and grope at noontime as in the night, and they humble themselves as they encounter Your fear, Great Lord.
Father, we honor Your eternal word and thank You, that we get to behold as the wicked who has brought forth iniquity, conceived trouble, and brought forth falsehood have fallen into the ditch which they prepared for others. Their trouble shall return upon their own heads, and their violent dealings shall come down on their own crowns.
At Your name, Lord Jesus, every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth. We magnify You, the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Day Thirty-Three
February 22, 2017
O Father, on the thirty-third day of Donald Trump’s presidency, we magnify these words of King David over our nation, and cover our president and his cabinet with the power of them.
Our soul waits upon You, O Lord; You are our help and our shield. For our hearts rejoice in You, we trust in Your holy name, and holy love, thank You, that as we hope in You, Your mercy, great Father is upon us.
Yes Lord, our hope is in You. Your eye, O Lord is on those who fear You, on those who hope in Your mercy, to deliver their soul from death!
Thank You for filling President Trump with divine wisdom and strategies to secure the borders and gates of our nation to keep all the citizens of our nation safe.
Yahweh, our intercession this thirty-third day is quite simple – the only hope for our nation or any nation is Your way, Yahweh! Give us leaders who have enough humility to acknowledge this fact, and our desperate need for You and your ways.
If they don’t understand this elementary truth, let them find something else to do, but not lead our nation into more darkness.
Thank You Father for the great repositioning that is taking place throughout the mind molders of culture with those You have gifted beyond measure and filled with this humble understanding of our need to call upon You. We thank you that they are now taking their place in every strategic position on these seven mountains, causing a divine shift in our culture.
Thank You for the blessing of these words from Jeremiah 33:3, washing over the hearts of leaders in every mountain, everywhere, whom You specifically formed in their mother’s womb, to lead our nation in this hour.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born, I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; “Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it—the Lord is My name, ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.”
Yeah Yahweh! Your word, O Lord, is right, and all Your work is done in truth. You love righteousness and justice; the earth is full of Your goodness, O Lord. Thank You for the power of Your goodness breaking through walls of those who have been drowning in the bitter cup, in every town, city, home, and heart in America.
Day Thirty-Four
February 23, 2017
Father, as we enter the thirty-fourth day of Donald Trump’s leadership as president of these United States, we thank You for his protection from all who would do him, or his family, harm in any way, shape, or form. Thank You for blessing all those charged with his protection with supernatural insight and prophetic discernment.
As he quoted yesterday from Amos 5:24, “let justice run down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Thank You, Father, that day by day You are leading him in closing the flood gates of lawlessness that the previous administration has opened wide.
Father, we have witnessed a multitude of leaders rebelling against and denying You, turning our nation away from following Your commandments, corrupt courts over turning the votes of the people and giving us same sex marriage as the law of the land, community organizers speaking oppression and revolt, the media conceiving and muttering from the heart lying words. Justice has been pushed back, and righteous behavior has stood far away; truth has fallen in the city square, and integrity has not been able to enter. And any who turn away from evil have made themselves prey.
Father, lawlessness has encroached our borders and the enemy has come in like a flood – through the blood of Your Son, Your sons are thanking You for raising up a standard against him! Release the fear of Your name, O Lord, from the west and Your glory from the rising of the sun. Thank You for coming now like a mighty rushing river which Your breath is driving and overwhelming the enemy. Thank You for decimating every demonic structure that has been empowering this rebellion.
Yesterday, I watched as a police chief wept at the loss of another of his officers and dear friend proclaiming, “I can’t tell you how bad it has gotten these past four years!” Lord, we thank You for giving our president divine strategy to bring law and order to our nation.
There are even those publishing articles about how good it would be for our nation if he were assassinated! Father, we take authority over every murdering spirit behind this and appropriate the power of the blood on behalf of our president. Thank You for shielding him as only You can.
Utter Your voice in judgment of His enemies and let the heavens and the earth tremble and shudder, but You, Lord, are a refuge for him and a stronghold of protection for his children.
In and through the name of Your Son we pray.
Day Thirty-Five
February 24, 2017
Father, this is the day that You have made; we will rejoice and be glad in it, and on the thirty-fifth day of Donald Trump’s presidency, we thank You for blessing our leaders to be able to govern from the strength of Your joy.
Thank You, for breaking the power of every witchcraft curse hurled at him and his cabinet. Father, send a spiritual cleaning crew to the White House to cleanse it spiritually and silence every unclean wickedness that is speaking from the spiritual realm. Satan governs through fear, for where fear is, there is no faith!
Hillary Clinton and company spent $450 million dollars painting Donald Trump as the devil, making many, many, people afraid of him and his policies. The anti-Trump mainstream media and leftist forces spread fear as well by demonizing him and broadcasting things about him that aren’t true, even going so far as propagating the slogan "not my president"!
Well, here is truth – he is our president, and if you are in this nation, he is your president too! Make no mistake about it, for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward him. Lost people are going to do what lost people do – be led around by the nose of the spirit of the age.
Father, we thank You this day that there is a massive invasion of awakening light of saving grace visiting every bloodline still chained in darkness.
For the blood-redeemed, how we respond to those in leadership affects our future, and the future of those around us. Is your heart perfect before the Lord concerning him? If you are accusing him and cursing him with your words, I can guarantee that your heart is not perfect before the Lord on this matter, and therefore the Lord cannot show himself strong on your behalf.
Honor unlocks glory, and there is a strategy hatched in hell to diminish the manifestation of Father’s glory through the administrative giftings of this man. If we dishonor him, we are dishonoring the Father who created him, and diminishing his ability to govern in the land. That is what the strategy to diminish his presidency is all about. You might not like him, but don’t curse him because the measure that you mete to him will be measured back to you.
Again, this is about our children’s children’s children, so through the blood of the Son, we bless this man to govern with as much light, power, grace, and mercy from on high as he possibly can.
Thank You Father, for granting great mercy to all the blood-redeemed to be properly positioned in our hearts concerning this president – hearts that are not positioned in fear, but in faith. “For whatever is not of faith is sin.” Romans 14:23
Day Thirty-six
February 25, 2017
Majestic Father, we magnify You, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty Elohim, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace – we give all of You the glory due unto Your name on day thirty-six of Donald Trump’s presidency.
Just be who You are today on behalf of President Trump, his family, and everyone connected to him. It seems this is the day that the witches the world over have chosen to curse our president. Well, Father, this is a good time to show them the power of the blood, and through that blood reveal the terror of the Lord!
We appropriate the full power of that blood on behalf of our president! Let the witches, and those who would dare try to curse this president, experience just what the consuming fire of a jealous God looks like.
Isaiah 26 tells us, “For [only] when Your judgments are experienced on the earth will the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. Though the wicked is shown compassion and favor, He does not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he deals unjustly, and refuses to see the majesty of the Lord. Though Your hand is lifted up [to strike], O Lord, the wicked do not see it. Let them see Your zeal for Your people and be put to shame; Indeed, let the fire reserved for Your enemies consume them.”
We are asking that what the enemy intended for the leader of our nation be returned to his kingdom in the form of a thousand kingpins being run down with the blessing of awakening light as the terror of the Lord visits them! Let this be a day of a thousand Sauls being turned into Pauls! Yeah, shake the hell out of darkness today, mighty God! Trump them with a hand heaven has been holding until now!
We appropriate Your eternal word, afresh and anew over him this 36th day as well, Mister President; “No weapon that is formed against you (or any of those connected to you) will succeed; and every tongue that rises against you in judgment you will condemn. This [peace, righteousness, security, and triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication that is from Me,” says the Lord.
Yeah, we lift up the sound of the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the song-filled voice of those who say, “We give praise and thanks to You, Lord of hosts, For You are good; For Your steadfast loving-kindness and mercy endures forever;” and of those who bring a thank offering into Your house, O Lord, You said, “I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were at first,” says Your loving Lord.
Always remember, when darkness reaches out to touch you, you have legal access to touch it. Bam! There you go, LIGHT BE!
This is a good day to sound the shofars and drive darkness crazy!
Day Thirty-Seven
February 26, 2017
O Great King, thank You, for blessing our nation on this thirty-seventh day of Donald Trump’s presidency. Those of us who have been charged to pray for him ask that moment by moment his roots would grow deeper in Your eternal love. We bless his heart to be rooted and built up in You, established in Your faith, and abounding with thanksgiving and honor of Your great name. Bless him to come to the full realization that it was not his own strength that placed him in this seat of authority.
Matthew 15:13 tells us, “But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father has not planted, shall be rooted up.” At the same time that we are worshipping You, majestic Father, for planting our president deep, everything in our nation that has not been planted by You, we thank You for rooting it up!
Jay Sekulow recently sent out the following email:
“The shadow government – undercutting President Trump.
President Obama, in his final days in office, paved the way for a bureaucratic soft coup - a shadow government - to sabotage President Trump. The Obama Administration changed the rules, vastly expanding access to classified information to countless federal bureaucrats in over a dozen federal agencies. Now, it has led to dangerous classified leaks, criminal violations of the Espionage Act, and a bureaucratic attempt to undermine President Trump’s Administration.”
Father, we bring this situation to You, who deal with all men justly and fairly. You tell us in Hebrews 4:13 “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in Your sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” So, we thank You all-wise King, for ministering to this situation and everyone involved in the light of Your eternal justice!
We pray for Jay Sekulow to be strengthened and be filled with the wisdom he needs for the assignment before him concerning this situation.
There is a strategy to split our nation in two between left and right, D and R! We thank You for visiting each leader in our nation with the same reality check that you gave to Joshua, just after Israel had crossed over from one administration to another:
"And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, 'Are You for us or for our adversaries?'
So He said, 'No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.'
And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, 'What does my Lord say to His servant?'"
Father, we are praying that the blood-redeemed everywhere bend our knees as Joshua did and ask You the same question in this hour, “What does my Lord say to His servants?” This isn’t about left or right – both in their extremes are out of order! We are thanking You Father for Your great mercy in helping Your body position ourselves in humility and Your plumbline order.
Just as we began this prayer today by asking that our president be rooted deep in Your love, we ask also that we ourselves, would not be caught in the emotional fury of this age of rage, but be set aflame deep within with Your raging love that totally consumes fleshly rage.
Day Thirty-eight
February 27, 2017
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." – I Timothy 2:1-4
Heavenly Father, in and through the name of Your son, we thank You for giving us Your eternal word! And we honor the word above on the thirty-eighth day of Donald Trump’s presidency; we praise You and thank You for pouring out Your Spirit on all flesh as well!
We bless all those in authority in this nation with the light the blood of Your Son has purchased so that all men could come out of darkness and live in Your marvelous light.
Father, there are those positioned in authority who call evil good and good evil, and have made things that Your word proclaims to be an abomination, to be the law of the land. There are many elected officials, unjust judges, perverted artists, and educators who have aligned themselves to propagate outright rebellion in our streets. Father, in Your goodness, deliver us from such twisted authority!
We need some supernatural justice! Justice that no one can deny came from on high. Justice that releases some good, old-fashioned fear of the Lord in the land.
Lord, In Your goodness, minister to the snow flakes, sugar pops, or whatever it is they call them (who have to have group therapy because they lost an election) – minister to them in such away that they have a real awakening out of the delusion in which they have been submerged by their antichrist instructors.
As we find ourselves at this polarized crossroads, we are asking You, Father, to do what only You can do, and release the greatest awakening the earth has ever known – holy fire is burning so hot whole communities are set aflame in a moment!
Body slam the most perverted in such love that they do a 360º, and grace the most radical against You and Your ways to become the most impassioned proclaimers of Your truth and defenders of Your name.
We bless our president this day – we ask that he be able to lead a nation that is experiencing such a grace as we have just asked of You; a nation where godless professors are brought to their knees in a moment and whole classrooms get to experience the encounter! A nation where entire gangs, groups, campuses, and cities, come to saving grace in a moment. A nation from top to bottom, over, under, sideways, down, where the sound of every city shifts, and the sound of Your love, joy, goodness, and glory is on everybody’s lips.
Yes, good God, let President Trump and company, preside over a nation in the manifest grip of Your grace, glory, and great, great love!
Day Thirty-Nine
February 28, 2017
On the thirty-ninth day of Donald Trump’s presidency, Father, we appropriate the blood of Your Son on behalf of him, his family, his vice president, advisors, cabinet, their families, and all that are connected to them.
Father, we worship You and thank You for garrisoning round about them, as a fortress, with Your shalom, quenching every fiery dart from the wicked. Christ in front of them, Christ behind them, to the left, and to the right, above them, and below them. We thank You that not one witchcraft curse will touch any of them.
And because the witches have purposefully reached out to touch our president, we have legal excess to touch them! As they have opened flood gates of darkness, hatred and cursing, we trump it, not with the same foul spirit they are releasing, but through Your mercy, we release blood-bought light from on high, and we just carpet bomb them with Matthew 5:44.
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” So yes, Lord, we set them aflame with fire of Your love – it’s a scorched earth release of the all-consuming fire of a jealous God!
Let there be blinding light in every coven all day and through the night! Tomorrow, do it again! So much light that they can taste, smell, touch, and see the reward of the wicked!
It’s mercy for them to hang over hell tonight like pigs on a stick, feel the licking flames at the core of their being, smell the sulfur, hear the screams, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth from outer darkness!
As the dawn breaks over this thirty-ninth day, let the voice of the thirty-nine stripes speak to the depth of their being, just as Saul (who You turned to Paul) was quick to repent; just as Simon the sorcerer begged Peter “Pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things which you have spoken may come upon me.” Let there be cries heard around the world from witches begging, "Please let the curses we have launched fall to the ground, lest they return to us, Lord have mercy upon us!"
Yes Lord, invade darkness this day, and the day after, and the day after that! And every time someone rises to launch a curse against our president, do it again!
Let the crafty be caught in their own craftiness, and the wicked who refuse to turn and repent be caught in their own wicked devices.
Go through our nation city by city and state by state – we thank You that every plant that does not produce good fruit nor brings Your glory to this nation is being plucked out by the root.
Lord, we thank you for exposing, bringing to light, and bringing the full measure of Your justice to everything that has been done in darkness to cause our president and his administration to fail. Let those who have dug ditches for others to fall into, fall into them themselves! Let every Haman, who has prepared a gallows for another, experience the justice only You can minister, O Great King!
Day Forty
March 1, 2017
On the fortieth day of his presidency, President Trump is set to give an address to a joint session of Congress. Thank You, Father, for blessing him through the blood of Your Son! Thank You for giving him clarity of thought and clearness of speech.
We thank You also that You have positioned watchmen on the wall to cover him and all of those connected to him and this administration. We are well aware that witches the world over have tried to curse him in every way, but we thank You that no curse will touch him because of the protecting power of the blood that covers him; every curse launched will return to its sender.
We know that immediately after he finishes his last sentence this evening, the twisters will be twisting, the pontificators pontificating, and the fault finders doing what they do best! No matter what he says, it won’t be quick enough, good enough, or fast enough – some expert would have done it a better way.
Thank You for strengthening him in his inner man. No matter what his ability to hear You has been, he and his staff need to hear You clearly now like never before. We bless their ears to hear, their eyes to see, and their hearts to understand. Thank You for giving them grace to set course according to principle, not politics, and move in union with Your supernatural spirit of counsel from on high.
We are asking You to so anoint him and his team that they constantly and corporately hear that still, small voice saying, "This is the way, take the nation this way, do this now, hold this until later." Give them perfect timing and heavenly rhythm, Father, as they are moving into trying to fix the healthcare system in our nation, they must have wisdom far beyond themselves; it is You and You alone who makes a way where it seems there is no way! At every point where it seems they are at an impasse, send supernatural wisdom from on high.
You have certain gifts and abilities within Donald Trump as you have designed him to lead us through these troubled times – You have matured those giftings within him through the years for such a time as this. We say, grace, grace, grace to the mountains that stand before him; mountains become mole hills in the name of the Son!
Father, we are also well aware that it is the blood-redeemed who carry eternal solutions to everlasting problems. Thank You for positioning the blood-redeemed in strategic places throughout this administration and all the mind molders of culture.
Thank You for lighting up each of the seven mountains with inspiration from on high that is aligned with Your eternal purpose and original intent. We thank you for these blood-redeemed in these positions causing a spiritual awake-quake a magnitude of which the earth has never known. Cause Your solutions, O mighty King, to flow like lava from the mountain tops.
Shake everything that can be shaken, beginning with the hearts of leaders who willfully resist what is best for our nation because it isn’t best for their political position. Lord, deliver us from such leadership!